Friday, August 1, 2014

PUBS: Academic Publications

Tech Transfer Offices are changing by becoming increasingly proactive explains this technical article in NATURE journal.

Proximity fosters better science collaboration finds Harvard researchers.

Harvard Business Review on inner cities planting for innovation districts.

Creative spaces at Brighton. And lots of research to back it up. 

"Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in knowledge-based urban development" by Paul Benneworth, Tiago Ratinho
Kennispark is a "Knowledge-based urban development" (KBUDs) in Netherlands.

Urban density and the rate of invention

Gerald A. Carlino , Satyajit Chatterjee, Robert M. Hunt


Economists, beginning with Alfred Marshall, have studied the significance of cities in the production and
exploitation of information externalities that, today, we call knowledge spillovers. This paper presents robust
evidence of those effects.We show that patent intensity—the per capita invention rate—is positively related
to the density of employment in the highly urbanized portion of MAs. All else equal, a city with twice the
employment density (jobs per square mile) of another city will exhibit a patent intensity (patents per capita)
that is 20 percent higher. Patent intensity is maximized at an employment density of about 2200 jobs per
square mile. A city with a more competitive market structure or one that is not too large (a population less
than 1 million) will also have a higher patent intensity. These findings confirm the widely held view that the
nation’s densest locations play an important role in creating the flow of ideas that generate innovation and

A book called:

Living Labs for Smart Innovation: a User-centric Approach

by F Bifulco, M Tregua, CC Amitrano -

Academic entrepreneurship, technology transfer and society: where next? by Mike Wright. Outlines a synthesis of micro and macro levels that attempts to provide a broader conceptualization of academic entrepreneurship and an appreciation of the contextual heterogeneity of academic entrepreneurship and the implications for how it occurs. The micro-level concerns how firms orchestrate their resources and capabilities, specifically knowing where resources come from and how to accumulate, bundle and configure them to generate sustainable returns. At the macro level, I analyse four different dimensions of context: temporal, institutional, social and spatial. Consequently, I argue that there is a need for a reconciliation of utilitarian and education-for-education’s sake perspectives on the role of universities.


Institutional Perspectives in Innovation Ecosystem Development by Gibson, Foss & Hodgson

While universities worldwide are increasingly called upon to contribute to economic development, there is disagreement on how this objective should be fulfilled. In addition, there are limited theoretical contributions to inform this discussion. In this article we introduce two perspectives for consideration: 1) “institutional theory“ and the related concepts of institutional change and organizational fields of activity, and 2) “entrepreneurial architecture“ which describes important constructs of the entrepreneurial university. We relate the concept of organizational field to regional innovation ecosystems as defined by those institutions, organizations, and activities that enhance or inhibit innovation-based economic development. Finally, we link these theoretical discussions to the Technopolis framework and Triple Helix model to describe, at a practical level, the important role of key influencers that facilitate institutional change and cooperative activity across universities, government, industry, and support groups in different regional and national contexts. 


Entrepreneurial innovation: The importance of context by Autio, Kenney, Mustar, Siegel, & Wright 

The purpose of this article and the special issue is to improve our understanding of the theoretical, managerial, and policy implications of entrepreneurial innovation. We accomplish this objective by examining the role of context in stimulating such activity, as well as its impact on the outcomes of entrepreneurial innovation. Our analysis begins by outlining an overarching framework for entrepreneurial innovation and context. With reference to this framework we then compare the attributes of national innovation systems, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial innovation, and categorize contextual influences on entrepreneurial innovation. We then situate the papers presented in this special issue within this framework. We conclude by outlining an agenda for additional research on this topic, focusing on the relationships between contexts and entrepreneurial innovation and then discuss policy implications, focusing on how public and private actors can meet these challenges.

Clusters and the New Economics of Competition by Michael Porter, Harvard Business Review 1989

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